Thursday, March 19, 2020

Antigone Tragic Hero essays

Antigone Tragic Hero essays In the novel Antigone Sophocles, the author, depicts the tragic hero Creon to the fullest extent. Sophocles portrays Creon as a tragic hero by the characteristics shown throughout the story. Creon is a character that is easy to relate to in a number of ways. First, he contains many flaws which in result causes many problems. This is seen in the decision he made of becoming hubris. Hubris is a Greek term for insolence and is referred to the emotions in Greek tragic heroes and ignores the gods and thus invite catastrophe. Catastrophe is all Creon got as the novel progressed into the climax. His choices and decisions end up deciding the fates of his son, wife, and Antigone. After having an encounter however with Teiresias, Creon comes around to realize what he has done is sinful to the gods. He has put his own pride over the fact of appreciating the gods. The character Creon may not be seen as a tragic hero because of his tasteless acts, but he contains the traits eligible to be the tra gic hero in Antigone. As seen in the novel, Creon exhibits habits seen in todays life, even though Sophocles wrote this novel a long time ago. It is obvious that Creon displays an immense amount of stubbornness throughout the story. An example is seen when Antigone wishes to give her brother, Polynieces a proper burial so he can go and be with the Gods. Creon as king wishes to have him rot in the fields of war because he disowned the state in the war that preceded the events. Antigone fights for her beliefs of the divine law that one should always receive a proper burial after death, but Creon refuses and throws Antigone in jail. His stubbornness is seen here in this quote, Go join them, then: if you must have your love, find it in hell!(pg286). As seen in the quote, even after Antigone clearly makes sense in what she was doing, and the prophet also agrees with her, Creon turns to the ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Hysteron Proteron - Definition and Examples of the Figure of Speech

Hysteron Proteron s of the Figure of Speech A figure of speech in which the natural or conventional order of words, actions, or ideas is reversed. Hysteron proteron is generally regarded as a type of hyperbaton. The figure of hysteron proteron has also been called inverted order or putting the cart before the horse.  Eighteenth-century lexicographer Nathan Bailey defined the figure as a preposterous way of speaking, putting that first which should be last.  Hysteron proteron most often involves inverted syntax  and is used primarily for emphasis. However, the term has also been applied to inversions of narrative  events in nonlinear plots: that is, what happens earlier in time is presented later in the text.   Etymology From the Greek hysteros  and  proteros , latter first Examples and Observations He began to walk barefoot across the meadow, but the sharp dry grass hurt his feet. He sat down to put on his shoes and socks.(Iris Murdoch, Nuns and Soldiers, 1980)That time of year thou mayst in me beholdWhen yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang ...(William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73)Muammar Gaddafi Killed, Captured In Sirte(Headline in Huffington Post, Oct. 20, 2011)Im going to kill that magician. Ill dismember him and then Ill sue him.(Woody Allen, Oedipus Wrecks in New York Stories, 1989) Yoda-Speak One of the most common and effective forms of hyperbaton is  hysteron proteron  (roughly, last things first). Let’s take two examples from a master of the technique: Powerful you have become. The Dark Side I sense in you and Patience you must have, my young padawan. For Yoda in  Star Wars, hysteron proteron is a linguistic trademark. The key concepts in those three sentences are power, the Dark Side and patience. Their placement underlines them.   (Sam Leith, Much to Learn From Yoda, Public Speakers Still Have. Financial Times [UK], June 10, 2015) Hysteron Proteron in Don DeLillos Cosmopolis (2003) So attuned is [Eric] Packer to the future that he repeatedly literalizes the rhetorical trope known as hysteron proteron; that is, as he scans the several digital monitors mounted in his limousine, he experiences an effect before its cause. Among Packers premonitions is observing himself onscreen recoiling in shock from the Nasdaq bombing before the actual blast occurs.   (Joseph M. Conte, Writing Amid the Ruins: 9/11 and Cosmopolis. The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo, ed. by John N. Duvall. Cambridge University Press, 2008) Puttenham on Hysteron Proteron (16th century) Ye have another manner of disordered speech, when ye misplace your words or clauses, and set that before which should be behind. We call it in English proverb, the cart before the horse, the Greeks call it Histeron proteron, we name it the Preposterous, and if be not too much used is tolerable enough, and many times scarce perceivable, unless the sense be thereby made very absurd.   (George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie, 1589) Hysteron Proteron in Rhetoric and in Logic Hysteron proteron was thus a term from the discourse of rhetoric for a reversion that reversed the order of things themselves, including in both temporal and logical sequence. In this sense, it appeared across a broad range of early-modern writing, as both a blemish and an exploited license of order and style...In the field of formal logic, hysteron proteron simultaneously denoted a preposterous inversion, in this case the logical fallacy of assuming as true and using as a premise a proposition that is yet to be proved, or the proving of a proposition by reference to another one that presupposes it.(Patricia Parker, Hysteron Proteron: Or the Presposterous, in Renaissance Figures of Speech, ed. by Sylvia Adamson, et al., Cambridge University Press, 2007) Pronunciation: HIST-eh-ron PROT-eh-ron