Monday, December 23, 2019

Borderline Personality Disorder - Understanding It,...

OUTLINE I.Understanding Borderline Personality A.Common Stereotypes B.Characteristics Symptoms 1.Fear of Abandonment 2.Impulsivity Self-Damaging Behavior 3.Difficulty Controlling Anger 4.Brief Psychotic Episodes C.Prevalence in Society 1.Celebrity Film Example II.History of Classification A.Personality Organization B.Atypical Form of Other Personality Disorders C.Independent Disorder III.Causal Contributory Factors A.Psychoanalytic 1.Object-Relations Theory 2.Developmental Model B.Childhood Abuse IV.Treatment Methods A.Psychoeducational Approach 1.Joining 2.Multiple Family Group Sessions B.Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) 1.Main Treatment Tasks 2.Stages of Treatment C.Alternatives V.Closing†¦show more content†¦For example, a borderline adolescent may perform well on structured tests such as the Wechsler inventories, but when presented with an unstructured test such as the Rorschach (which uses inkblots) they are apt to become extremely agitated. Stressors to the BPD individual can also produce psychotic-like effects (Fall Craig, 1998). We have all faced borderline personality disorder in our daily lives. The unfortunate truth is that it is seldom recognized or noticed much later than would be ideal. By then, BPD has depreciated the quality of the borderlines life and dramatically affected the lives of family and friends. Actress Marilyn Monroe lived a vastly turbulent life, composed of failed marriages, numerous relationships, a history of substance abuse and suicide attempts, all of which suggest that she was probably borderline according to Dr. John W. Gunderson. Usually, borderlines ensure that someone saves them from their suicide attempts, but some take their lives, as Marilyn Monroe did at age 36 from a drug overdose. Interestingly, commercial films have been used to educate people on various topics in psychology. It is important to note that some film depictions are clinically inaccurate and may in fact stigmatize the field of psychology. However, when used pragmatically, films can be utilized to enhance teaching as well as deliver useful information to the public. A striking example of film based on the borderlinesShow MoreRelatedHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 PagesGalvatrens for wrongful termination. The lawsuit triggers a much larger discussion about the company’s system for uncovering misconduct. How should the company strengthen that system – and what roles should the board and management play? Commentators include Stephen R. Hardis, Hal Shear, Mary Rowe, and Jackson W. Robinson. 132 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Social responsibility and global competitiveness are all well and good, readers say, but not if they emerge from companies that are simultaneously corrupting

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mermaids Free Essays

The French Revolution in the Minds of Men Author(s): Maurice Cranston Reviewed work(s): Source: The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), Vol. 13, No. 3 (Summer, 1989), pp. We will write a custom essay sample on Mermaids or any similar topic only for you Order Now 46-55 Published by: Wilson Quarterly Stable URL: http://www. jstor. org/stable/40257906 . Accessed: 31/05/2012 21:13 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use, available at . http://www. jstor. org/page/info/about/policies/terms. jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor. org. Wilson Quarterly and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Wilson Quarterly (1976-). http://www. jstor. org 1789 THE FRENCH IN THE REVOLUTION OF MEN MINDS by Maurice Cranston July 14, 1989- BastilleDay- political and culturalleaders of every ideological persuasion assembled in Paristo celebratethe bicentennial of the French Revolution. Was there something strange about their unanimous applause? All subsequent major revolutions, such as those that took place in Russia and China, remain controversialtoday. But the French Revolution, which served as the direct or indirect model for these later upheavals, now passes for an innocuous occasion which anyone, Marxistor monarchist,can join in celebrating. Wasthis proof only of the anaesthetizing power of time, that two centuries could turn the French Revolutioninto a museum piece, an exhibitionacceptable to all viewers, even to a descendent of the old Bourbon monarchs? Or is there something about the French Revolution itself that, from its beginning, sets it apart from later revolutions? The tricouleur, the Marseillaise, the monumental paintings of David all celebrate a series of connected events, alternatelyjoyous and grim, which make up the real, historical French Revolution. But there is another French Revolution, one which emerged only after the tumultuous days were over and the events and deeds became inflated or distorted in the minds of later partisans. This is the French Revolution as myth, and it is in many ways the more importantof the two. It is so, one could argue, because the myth, and not the reality, inspired the scores of revolutions that were to come. The actors of the French Revolution, anWQ SUMMER 1989 nouncing their principles on behalf of all mankind, clearly intended their deeds to have a mythic dimension. They wanted to inspireothers to follow their example. Consider the Declarationof the Rights of Man, passed in Augustof 1789. At no point does it refer to the specific conditions or laws of France. Instead, it speaks in grand universals, as if it were the voice of mankinditself. Replete with terms like citizen, liberty,the sacred rights of man, the common good, the document provides the lexicon for all future revolutions. By contrast, the earlier revolutionary models which stirredthe French in 1789 to act- the English Revolution of 1688 and the American Revolution of 1776- had been essentiallypolitical events, limited in scope and conservative in objectives. The English revolutionists claimed to restore the liberty that the despotic James II had destroyed; the American revolutionaries made the kindredclaim that they were only defending their rights against tyrannical measures introduced by George III. Neither revolutionsought to change society. The French Revolution, however, sought to do exactly that. Indeed, to many of the more zealous French revolutionaries, the central aim was the creation of a new man- or at least the liberation of pristine man, in all his natural goodness and simplicity, from the cruel and corrupting prison of the traditionalsocial order. It is easy to see how this grandiose vision of the Revolution’s purpose went hand-in-handwith the emergence of Romanticism. The great Romantic poets and philosophers encouraged people through- 46 1789 out the West to believe that imagination could triumph over custom and tradition, that everything was possible given the will to achieve it. In the early 1790s, the young William Wordsworth expressed the common enthusiasm for the seemingly brave and limitless new world of the Revolution: France standingon the top of golden hours, And human nature seeming born again. Here we encounter one of the many differences between reality and myth. The reality of the French Revolution, as Tocqueville maintained, was prepared by the rationalist philosophers of the 18th-century Enlightenment, by Voltaire, Diderot, Helvetius, d’Alembert, and Holbach no less than by Rousseau. Its myth, however, was perpetuated during the 19th century by Ro- mantic poets such as Byron, Victor Hugo and Holderlin. Byron in his life and in his poetry bore witness to that romanticized revolutionary idealism, fighting and then dying as he did to help the Greeks throw off the Turkish yoke and set up a free state of their own. The grandeur of its lofty aims made the French Revolution all the more attractive to succeeding generations of revolutionaries, real and would-be; the violence added theatrical glamor. The guillotine – itself an invention of gruesome fascination together with the exalted status of its victims, many of them royal, noble, or political celebrities, made the Terror as thrilling as it was alarming. The wars which broke out in 1793, when France declared war on Great Britain, Holland, and Spain, were fought not by professional soldiers but by conscripts, ordinary men who were ex- Duringthe 1790s, the FrenchArmybecame the â€Å"schoolof the Revolution,†where volunteers learned to â€Å"knowwhat theyfoughtfor and love what they know. † WQ SUMMER 1989 47 1789 pected to †know what they fought for and love what they know. † These wars were thought of as wars of liberation. It hardly matteredthat Napoleon turnedout to be an imperialist conqueror no better than Alexander or Caesar;he was still a people’s emperor. If historians of the French Revolution are unanimous about any one point, it is this:thatthe Revolutionbroughtthe people into French political life. To say that it inwould be to say too troduced â€Å"democracy† much. Althoughpopularsuffragein varying degrees was institutedas the revolutionunfolded, no fully democratic system was set up. But popular supportcame to be recognized as the only basis for legitimatingthe nationalgovernment. Even the new despotism of Napoleon had to rest on a plebiscitary authority. These plebiscites, which allowed voters only to ratifydecisions already made, denied popular sovereignty in fact while paying tribute to it in theory. (The vote for the Constitutionwhich made Napoleon emperor in 1804-3,500,000 for versus 2,500 against hardlysuggestsa vigorous democracy. But if Napoleon’s government was not democratic, it was obviously populistic. The people did not rule themselves, but they approvedof the man who ruled them. The end of Napoleon’s empire in 1815, which was also in a sense the end of the historicalFrench Revolution,could only be brought about by the intervention of foreign armies. Those foreign armies could place a king on the throne of France, as they did with Louis XVIIIin 1815, but they could not restore the principle of royal sovereignty in the hearts of the French people. They simply put a lid on forces which would break ut in anotherrevolution 15 years later,this time not only in France but in other parts of the Westernworld. The French Revolution had turned the French into a republican people. Even when they chose a king- Louis-Philippe to lead that revolution of 1830, he was more of a republican prince than a royal sovereign in the traditional mold. LouisPhilippe,the â€Å"CitizenKing,†had to recognize, as part of his office, â€Å"the sovereignty of the nation. â€Å"And what kind of sovereign is it, one may ask, who has to submit to the sovereigntyof the nation? The answer must clearlybe, one who is king neitherby grace of God nor birth nor lawfulinheritancebut only through the will of the people, who are thus his electors and not his subjects. of â€Å"sovereignty the nation†was a new and powerful idea, a revolutionaryidea, in the 19th century. At the philosophical level, it is usually asto cribed,with some justification, the teachof JeanJacques Rousseau, whom Eding mund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, and many lesser commentators considered the ideologue of the French Revolution. What Rousseau did was to separate the concept which he said should be kept of sovereignty, the people in their own hands, from the by which he urged the concept of government, people to entrustto carefullychosen elites, their moral and intellectual superiors. Rousseauheld that neither hereditarykings nor aristocratscould be considered superiors of this kind. Rousseau was uncompromisinglyrepublican. To him a republic could be based only on the collective will of citizens who contracted to live together under laws that they themselves enacted. â€Å"Myargument,†Rousseauwrote in TheSo- Maurice Cranston, a former Wilson Center Guest Scholar, is professor of political science at the London School of Economics. Born in London, he was educated at St. Catherine’sCollege and The His OxfordUniversity. books include John StuartMill (1965),Jean-Jacques: EarlyLife and Work of Jean-JacquesRousseau, 1712-54 (1982), and John Locke: A Biography(1985). WQ SUMMER 1989 48 1789 Three Leaders Three Phases of the Revolution. The liberalMarquisde Lafayetteinitiallyguided the Revolution. GeorgesDanton helped overthrowthe monarchy,but was executedfor being too moderate. Robespierre was both directorand victim of the Terror. ial Contract, â€Å"is that sovereignty, being nothing other than the exercise of the general will, can never be alienated; and the sovereign, which is simply a collective being, cannot be represented by anyone but itself- power may be delegated, but the will cannot be. † The sheer size of France, however, with a population in 1789 of some 26 million of people, precluded the transformation the French kingdom into the sort of direct democracy that Rousseau a native Swissthe Americanshad very reenvisaged. Still, cently proved that a nation need not be as small as a city-statefor a republican constitution to work. And as an inspirationto the average Frenchman, the American Revolution was no less importantthan the writings of Rousseau. The American Revolution thus became a model for France,despite its conservative elements. Moreover,the AmericanRevolution later served as a model for others largely because its principles were â€Å"translated† and universalized by the French Revolution. In Latin America, the Spanish and Portuguesecolonies could not directly follow the American example and indict their monarchs for unlawfully violating their rights; Spain and Portugal, unlike England, recognized no such rights. But following the example of the French RevoWQ SUMMER 1989 49 1789 lution, LatinAmericanslike Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martinwere able to appeal to abstract or universal principles. To describe Bolivia’s new constitution in 1826, Simon Bolivarused the same universaland idealisticcatchwordswhich the French had patented 37 years before: â€Å"In this constitution/’ Bolivar announced, â€Å"you will find united all the guarantees of permanency and liberty, of equality and order. † If the South American republics sometimes seemed to run short on republican liberty nd equality,the concept of royal or imperial sovereignty was nonetheless banished forever from American shores. The short reign of Maximilianof Austriaas Emperor of Mexico ( 1864- 1867) provideda brief and melancholy epilogue to such ideas of sovereignty in the New World. Even in the Old World,royal and aristocratic governments were on the defensive. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna, under Prince Mette rnichof Austria’sguidance, attempted to erase the memory of the Revolution and restore Europe to what it had been before 1789. Yet only five years after the Congress,Metternichwrote to the Russian tsar,AlexanderI, admitting,†Thegovernments, having lost their balance, are frightened, intimidated, and thrown into confusion. † French Revolution had permanently destroyed the mystique on which traditional regimes were based. No king could indisputablyclaim that he ruled by divine right; nor could lords and bishops assume that their own interests and the nationalinterestscoincided. After the French Revolution, commoners, the hitherto silent majorityof ordinaryunderprivilegedpeople, asserted the right to have opinions of their own- and to make them known. For once the ideas of liberty, democracy,and the rightsof men had been extracted from philosophers’treatises and put on the agenda of political actionwhich is what the French Revolution with its â€Å"universalprinciples†did- there could be no security for any regime which set itself againstthose ideals. In old history textbooks one can still find the interpretation of the French Revolutionfirstadvancedby Jules Micheletand Jean Jaures and other left-wing historians who explained the Revolution as one abolishing feudalismand advancing bourgeois capitalist society. While few historians still view the Revolution this way,the Micheletinterpretation was widespread during the 19th century,and its currency promptedmany an aspiring Robespierreto â€Å"comThe revolutionaryuprisingin Frankfurt 1848. â€Å"Thedull sound plete† the revolution. in Completing the revoluof revolution,†which VictorHugo had detected â€Å"pushingout under every kingdomin Europe,†grew dramaticallyloud thatyear. tion meant overthrowing 50 WQ SUMMER 1989 1789 the bourgeoisie in favor of the working class, just as the bourgeoisie had supposedly overthrown the feudal aristocracyin 1789. The convulsive year of 1848 was marked in Europe by several revolutions which attempted to complete the work of 1789. Their leaders all looked back to the FrenchRevolutionfor their â€Å"historicjustification. â€Å"Tocquevilleobservedof these revolutionaries that their â€Å"imitation [of 1789] was so manifestthat it concealed the terrible originalityof the facts;I continuallyhad the impression they were engaged in playactingthe FrenchRevolutionfar more than continuing it. If the 19th centurywas, as many historians describe it, the â€Å"century of revolutions,†it was so largelybecause the French Revolution had provided the model. As it turns out, the existence of a proper model has proved to be a more decisive prod to revolution than economic crisis, political unrest, or even the agitations of young revolutionaries. Indeed, the role of professionalrevolutionaries seems negligible in the preparation of most revolutions. Revolutionaries often watched and analyzed the politi cal and social disintegrationaround them, but they were seldom in a position to direct it. Usually,as HannahArendtobserved,†revolution broke out and liberated,as it were, the professional revolutionistsfrom wherever they happened to be- from jail, or from the coffee house, or from the library. † Tocqueville made a similar observation about the revolutionaries of 1848: The French monarchy fell â€Å"before rather than beneath the blows of the victors, who were as astonishedat their triumph as were the vanquishedat their defeat. † Disturbances which during the 18th century would hardly have proven so incendiary ignited one revolution after another during the 19th century. They did so because now there existed a revolutionary model for respondingto crises. During the 1790s, revolutionaries outside of France such as ToussaintL’Ouverture Haiti and in Wolfe Tone in Ireland tried simply to import the French Revolution,with its ideals of nationalism,equalityand republicanism, and adapt it to local conditions. And well into the 19th century,most revolutionaries continued to focus their eyes not on the future but on the past- on what the French duringthe 1790s had done in roughlysimilar circumstances. e sure, the French Revolution possessed differentand even contradictory meanings, differences which reflect die various stages of the historical Revolution. The ideals and leaders of each stage inspired a particulartype of The revolutionarymen later revolutionary. of 1789-91, including the Marquisde Lafayette, inspired liberal and aristocratic revolutionaries. Their ideal was a quasiBritish constitutional monarchy and suffrage based on propertyqualificati ons. The revolutionariesof 1830-32 realizedthis liberal vision in France and Belgium. The Girondins and moderate Jacobins of 1792-93 became the model for lowermiddle-class and intellectual revolutionaries whose political goal was a democratic republic and usually some form of a â€Å"welfare state. â€Å"The French Revolutionof 1848, with its emphasis on universal manhood suffrage and the state’s obligation to provide jobs for all citizens, initiallyembodied their vision of society. A third type of revolutionary,the extremists of 1793-94 such as Robespierre and GracchusBabeuf, inspired later working-classand socialist revolutionaries. A reactionarysuch as Prince Metternich would hardly have distinguished among these three types of revolutionaries. But a later observer,Karl Marx,did. Seeing that the nationalist revolutions of his time igWQ SUMMER 1989 51 1789 Lenin (shown here in a 1919 photograph) exploitedthe precedentof the FrenchRevolution to legitimizethe BolshevikRevolutionin the eyes of the world. nored the socialist-radical strain of the French Revolution, he came to deplore its influence on later revolutionaries. Marx,who by 1848 was alreadyactive in communist politics, condemned what he considered the confusion of understanding in most of these revolutionarymovements. An emotional yearning to reenact the dramas of 1789-1815 seemed to him to stand in the way of a successful revolutionary strategy. In a letter to a friend in September, 1870, Marxwrote: â€Å"The tragedyof the French, and of the working class as a whole, is that they are trapped in their memories of momentous events. We need to see an end, once and for all, to this reactionary cult of the past. † VladimirIlyich Lenin had no such resWQ SUMMER 1989 ervations. He passed up no rhetorical opportunityto present his Russian Bolsheviks as the heirs of the French revolutionary traditionand the RussianRevolutionof 1917 as a reenactment of France’sRevolution of 1789. Lenin went so far as to call his Bolshevik faction â€Å"the Jacobins of contemporarySocial-Democracy. † is not difficult to understandLenin’s motives. Throughoutthe 19th century, most of the successful revolutions in Europe and Latin America had been nationalist revolutions. (Indeed, when the revolutionaryGerman liberals of 1848 issued their Declaration of Rights, they ascribed those rightsto the GermanVolkas a whole and not to privatepersons. But the 52 1789 into his hands but the ideology and propaexample of the French Revolution suga revolutioncould be more than ganda adopted by the Allied powers in gested that World War I did so as well. When their just a matter of nationalism. Takingthe example of the French Revolution under the earlymilitarycampaignswent ba dly,the Alfanatical Robespierre,one could argue, as lies attemptedto make the war more popuLenin did, that the true goal of revolution lar, and the enormous casualties more tolwas to alter the way people lived together, erable,by declaringtheir cause to be a war In for â€Å"liberty. the name of liberty,Great socially and economically. as we know, Lenin looked back Britain, France, and the United States enYet, a century when attempts at radical couraged the subject nations of the Gerupon social revolutions had been ultimatelyand man, Austrian and Turkish empires to uniformlyabortive. The French Revolution throw off the imperialyoke. of 1848, which removed the â€Å"liberal†King But in championingnationalliberty,the Allies were guilty of hypocrisy. Neither Louis-Philippe,briefly gave greater power to the working class. Duringits most prom- GreatBritainnor France had any intention of permittingnationalistrevolutionswithin ising days, the anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) even accepted a their own empires or those of any neutral seat in the legislative chamber. But the power. But Leninwas able to catch them in the trap of their own contradictions. coup d’etat of Napoleon III in 1851 soon brought an end to all this. The communist By declaring to the world that the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 was a removement, which Marx described as a enactment of the French Revolution, he specter haunting Europe, produced no more tangible results than most specters was able to attach to his regime all those do. Before World War I, Marxwas notably less influential as a theoretician than were the champions of â€Å"revolutionary socialism† such as Proudhon and FerdinandLassalle(1825-1864) who persuaded the workers that their interestswould be better served by reform and democratic process than by revolution. It was World War I which put revolutionarysocialism back on the agenda again. The â€Å"war to end all wars†gave Lenin the opportunityto persuade the world that the French Revolution could be repeated as a communist revolution in, of all with a Chinese face†: Mao’s Cultural Revolution â€Å"Robespierre places, Russia. Not only did hoped to realizeRobespierre’sdream of pushing beyondpolitical the upheavals of war play reformto remakeman and society. WQ SUMMER 1989 53 1789 strong, if mixed, emotions which the French Revolution had kindled in the outside world from 1789 on. In symbolicways, both large and small- such as naming one of their first naval ships Marat, after the French revolutionaryleader- the early Soviets underscored their connection with the earlier revolution. The attempts of the Allied powers to send in troops to save TsaristRussiafrom the Bolshevikswas immediately seen by a war-wearyworld as a reactionary,counter-revolutionary†White Terror,†and public opinion soon put an end to that intervention. After1917,the Soviet Union’sself-image became less that of a revolutionaryregime socialist and more that of a well-established empire. This transition unexpectedly enabled its adherents at last to obey Marx’s injunctionto abolish the cult of the revolutionary past and to fix their eyes on the present. The idea of revolutionthus passed from the left to the ultra-left,to Stalin and Trotskyand, later, to Mao Zedong and his CulturalRevolutionin China. Yet even during the extreme phase of the CulturalRevolution, Mao still evinced his debt to the French Revolution, a debt which he shares with the later â€Å"Third World†revolutionaries. Whenever a revolutionary leader, from Ho Chi Minh and FrantzFanonto Fidel Castroand Daniel Ortega, speaksof a new man, or of restructuring a whole society, or of creating a new human order,one hears againthe ideas and assumptionsfirst sounded on the political stage during the French Revolution. fact, there can be no doubt that a â€Å"cultural revolution† is what Robespierre set afoot in France, and what, if he had lived, he would have tried to bring to completion. As a disciple of Rousseau, he truly believed that existing culture had corruptedmodern man in all classes of society, and that an entirely new culture was WQ SUMMER 1989 ecessaryif men were to recover their natural goodness. The new religious institutions which Robespierre introduced the cult of the Supreme Being and the worship of Truthat the altar of Reason, as well as the new patrioticfestivalsto replace the religious holidays were all intended to be part of what can only be called a cultural revolution. Robespie rredid not believe that political, social, and economic changes alone, however radical,would enable men to achieve their full humanity. But while the ideals and the languageof the cultural revolution sound nobler than those of the political revolution,such elevation of thought seems only to authorize greater cruelty in action. Robespierre’s domination of the French Revolution lasted for only a short period, from April 1793 until July 1794, when he himself died under the same guillotine which he had used to execute his former friendsand supposed enemies. Moderationwas restoredto the French Revolution after his execution by the least idealistic of its participants a a cynical Talleyrand, pusillanimousSieyes, and a crudely ambitious Napoleon. ikewise, moderation was restored to the Chinese Revolutionby the Chineseadmirersof Richard Nixon. Yet while moderation had been restored to the real historical French of Revolution,the inevitability the returnto was often conveniently ig†normalcy† nored by later revolutionaries. And what of France itself? At first glance, all the majorsubsequent â€Å"dates†of French history seem to be in a revolutionary tradition or at least of revolutionary magnitude- 1830 (Louis-Philippe); 1848 (the Second Republic); 1852 (the Second Empire); 1871 (the Third Republic); 1940 (the Vichy French State); 1945 (the Fourth Republic); 1958 (the Fifth Republic). Yet these headline dates, all suggesting recurrent tumult, may be misleading:Francehas not been wracked by major upheavalsnor 54 1789 that left the structure by social earthquakes of society unrecognizable, as Russia and Chinawere aftertheir revolutions. Continuity may be the most striking feature in Frenchlife. Robertand BarbaraAnderson’s Bus Stop to Paris (1965) showed how a village not more than 10 miles from Paris remained unaffectedyear afteryear by all the great rumblingsin the capital. Are we dealing with a revolutionwhose myth is all out of proportionto the facts? Tocqueville,that most dependableof all politicalanalysts,offersan answer:The major change effected by the Bourbon kings duringthe 17th and 18th centuries was the increasingcentralizationof France and the creation of a strong bureaucracyto administer it. This bureaucracy,in effect, ruled France then and has continued to rule it through every social upheaval and behind every facade of constitutionalchange. This bureaucracyhas providedstabilityand continuitythroughthe ups and downs of political fortune. The French Revolutionand Napoleon, far from making an abrupt break with the past, continued and even accelerated the tendencytowardbureaucraticcentralization. Tocquevillealmost broached sayingthat the French Revolution never happened, that the events not only looked theatrical but were theatrical:The French could afford to have as many revolutions as they pleased, because no matter what laws they enacted, or what persons they placed in their legislative and executive offices, the same civil servants, the functionaries,the members of V would remain Administration, in command. any revolutions can the historian cite as having left the people better off at the end than they were at the beginning? Unfortunatelythe discrepancybetween its mythand its reality may have made the French Revolution a deceptive model for other nations to imitate. The mythtreatedsociety like a neutral, ahistoricalprotoplasmfrom which old corrupt institutions could be extracted and into which new rules for human in teraction could be inserted at will. The reality was that France, with its unusually strong state bureaucracy, could withstand the shocks and traumas of radical constitutional upheaval. In modern history, revolution often seems a luxurythat only privilegedpeoples such as the French and the Americansand the English can afford. Less fortunatepeoples, from the Russiansin 1918 to the Cambodians in 1975, on whom the burden of the establishedregimes weighed more cruelly, have often enacted their revolutions with catastrophicresults. It is perhaps one of the harsherironies of history that, since the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, the more a country appears to need a revolution, the less likely it will be able to accomplish one successfully. WQ SUMMER 1989 55 How to cite Mermaids, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Global Business Management Pharmaceutical Business

Question: Discuss about theGlobal Business Management for Pharmaceutical Business. Answer: Introduction Pfizer Australia is the subsidiary of one of the well-known corporation i.e. Pfizer Inc. The company, Pfizer Australia possesses an extensive range of pioneering health care products and medicines. In the year 1956, the pharmaceutical business was started by the company in Australia. The core belief and objective of Pfizer Australia is to offer the customers the value-based products and services. The company has its high engagement in fulfilling the requirements of the customers and put extensive efforts to satisfy them. By possessing a significant relationship with the customers, Pfizer Australia keeps on improving its performance (Pfizer Inc. 2013). The company invests huge amount of capital in the research and development department so that it can relief the customers by innovating new medicines and health care products. The extent of the degree of medical range does not end by offering medicines for human care rather Pfizer Australia offer identical care and effective medicines f or the animals also. Pfizer Australia is recognized as the leading pharmaceutical company in regards with extensive research and development unit. The primary aim of the company is to supply and offer innovative and science related resources to improve the health care and wellness of the individuals at each phase of their lives. Pfizer Australia manufactures health care products, nutritional products, various vaccines, small molecule as well as biologic drugs and other medicines. There is an open innovation approach which is incorporated in the company so that there can be development of pioneering products through the external as well as internal sources. With this open innovation approach, there is a significant increase in the number of customers. For extensive value creation there are several partnerships of Pfizer Australia with various other industries. There were several risks also which the company had to experience while its various international expansions. Analysis of Opportunities and Risks while Entering Into the Markets of China and South Africa Whenever any company expands its roots in the global market then there are several opportunities as well as risks which are associated with that expansion. There were various risks faced by Pfizer Australia while entering into the markets of China and South Africa. Majorly following four risks are the most identified risks in any global expansion. Commercial Risk The commercial risk arises due to insufficient knowledge and understanding of the international market. If any corporation does not possess complete understanding of the overseas market then there are extreme chances of its failure after a short span of time period. There are number of causes because of which the organization can experience a failure due to commercial risks such as incompetent strength to face competition, fragile implementation of strategy, entrance at wrong timeframe, issues in operations, deprived business strategies and methods (chang, n.d.). In the context of entering into the markets of South Africa, the biopharmaceutical unit of SA is a division of the internationally operated Pfizer inc. which is the leading pharmaceutical organization worldwide and which has its establishment from 1880. The South Africa division also covers huge diversity in its business such as departments related to ophthalmology, oncology, medication for pain, several vaccines, anti-infective medicines, cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory medicines, neuroscience etc. the stakeholders of Pfizer comprises of government officials, various healthcare professionals, media persons, pharmacy groups and the hospital groups. By all these approaches, Pfizer has complete knowledge of the South African market and possess squat chances of experiencing failure (Li, et al., 2016). In the context of entering into the markets of China, the company has sustained by implementing various potential strategies. From the year 1980, the organization has grounded its 8 diversified units of the state-of-the-art in places like Wuxi, Dalian and Suzhou which produces products for the users of capsules, pharmaceutical industry, animal health, nutrition as well as for the health care of the customers. For entering into the Chinese market, the company had performed various researches and then through effectual implementation of the strategies it entered into the markets of China (Fatti and du Toit, 2013). Financial or Currency Risk There are various kinds of financial uncertainties which encounters at the time of expanding in the overseas market which varies from country to country. Whenever there is any kind fluctuation or variation in the exchange crates of the nation where the company has planned to enter, there occur chances of financial uncertainties. There are several other things also due to which currency risk arises such as increasing inflation rate, change in transfer pricing, variation in the valuation of assets and amendments in policies regarding foreign taxation (Kotler and Kotler, 2014). In context with the markets of South Africa and China, in spite of the increased profits and up surged sales, the company was highly cognizant regarding the generation of revenue because of various variations in the economic exchange rates. The maximum revenue of the company i.e. approximately 57 percent is generated through its global business operations. There are several risks and uncertainties in regards with the generation of these revenues due to the variation in the exchange rates of the overseas nations (wikinvest, 2016). Country Risk In an global market, the country who is planning to expand its business has to experience number of country risks which means the risks related to the nation and its attributes such as political uncertainties, legal risks and environmental threats. These comprises of uncertainties associated with mismanagement of the business operations, robust trade related barriers, extreme intellectual property rights and strict regulations regarding legal safety (Arnoldi, Bernhardt and Liang, 2014). There are issues related to prohibition laws and patent rights prevailing in the South African markets and Chinese markets. Other laws and liabilities related to import, export and trade are also present in these markets. The company had to experience several legal obligations and issues in regards with the patent rights for few of its medicines like Sutent, Lyrica and Celebrex (Benson, 2015). Cross-Cultural Risk There are number of risks in regards with the cross-cultural aspect of any nation while entering into overseas expansion strategy. This risk of cross-culture is because of the diversity present in the cultures of the nations. Each nation possesses diversified traditions and culture. The variations are in the traditions, language, mindset, religion, psychological aspect, way of living and behavior. In relevance with the Pfizer Australia, the organization had to experience issues in context with communication as well as there were language barriers in both the nations. For overcoming these issues Pfizer provide an effective training regarding the cross-cultural attributes to its workforces operating in these two nations so that the employees can easily communicate with the customers of South Africa and China (Evans, 2007). Selection of China for Global Expansion In the Chinese market, Pfizer is regarded as the leading and recognized pharmaceutical corporation. In the year 1980, Pfizer started its operation in China. There were around fifty pioneering medicines which were launched by the company in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and with such effective business operations it has recognized itself in the nation with a renowned and robust image. The company had to experience a lot of challenges but with great determination sand potential business strategies it had made its presence in the markets of China. In around three hundred cities of China, the company employs approximately a workforce of 10,000 employees (Pfizer, 2015). The organization has incorporated several pioneering approaches for developing its business operations in China. Centrum and Caltrate are the two recognized brands of Pfizer which were established in Chinese market. Additionally the organization is striving hard to bring several new products and services in the marke t. There are approximately 200 million individuals who are the customers of Pfizer in China. And maximum of those customers are from the urban and rural regions of the country (pwc, 2013). From global perspective, Pfizer is recognized as the largest drug manufacturing organization as well as the most rapidly developing pharmaceutical corporation. From overall revenue generation, approximately a total of 25 percent is gained from the operations taking place in the Chinese market. For developing its business and achieving growth, according to Pfizer, the markets of China are the most potential one in comparison with other overseas markets. The organization holds four primary business divisions in the pharmaceutical market of China which comprises of medication related to cancer care, specialty drugs, a market of already established drugs and primary care (Geschek, 2013). Pfizer is also trying to have partnership knots with various other major pharmaceutical corporations of China so th at it can expand its business as well as Pfizer is facilitating the Chinese Government to provide their support to the company so that with the cooperation from the Government it can achieve extended growth by developing the health care system of China. The future objective of Pfizer is to become third largest organization in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. Though Pfizer had to experience lot of challenges and threatening competition in the Chinese market but with effective strategies it had sustained in the industry with a recognized brand image (Loftus, 2016). Reasons for Selection China for the Purpose of Expansion in the Overseas Market For the pharmaceutical and health care companies China offers a fast growing and developing market. The pharmaceutical industry of China is potential not only in manufacturing of medicines but also very beneficial in the development of pioneering and innovative medicines band health care products. In addition to this, the markets of China are also very fruitful for the healthcare solutions as well as for the innovation related to medicines. There are several aspects on the grounds on which it can be said that China holds a potential market for the pharmaceutical companies (Bioassociate, 2012). From the below mentioned PEST analysis it can be demonstrated that on what basis Pfizer chosen the Chinese market for its global expansion: Political Aspects In respect to the healthcare sector, the Chinese Government is extremely conscious. For offering better and improved healthcare services and products to the people of China the Government is very much engaged in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. For implementation of various innovations the laws and regulation of China are very liberal and supporting. In context with the labor law, the Chinese markets are very much fascinated. The labors are made available at lower and cheapest prices as well as there is abundant supply of the labors in the nation. To the pharmaceutical organization, the Chinese Government offers various incentives and tax-relieved policies so that there can be increased number of companies who offer medicines and health care products. The research and development department is highly boosted up by the liberal tax laws prevailing in the nation. Economic Aspects The Chinese economy is considered as the worlds second greatest economy. China possesses the finest growth and development plans, robust economic structures and vigorous economic reforms. The Chinese Government strives hard to develop the economy from every possible way. In spite of possessing robust economic environment the country lacks in offering effective solution to the health issues and measurable health care amenities to the people of China (Chitour, 2013). Social Aspects For the development of the pharmaceutical corporations there is a high need for the existence of the urbanized regions. The rapidly up surging population also plays a vital role in the growth of these companies. The increased number of diseases in the nation has inspired the pharmaceutical organizations to enter in the Chinese market (Frynas and Mellahi, 2015). Technological Aspects The innovative and high-tech economy and industry of China facilitate the companies to enter into the Chinese market. The extreme support provided by the Chinese Government in boosting the research and development division and innovation sector is motivating enormous number of companies to enter the pharmaceutical industry of China (Xu, et al., 2016). Strategy for Entering into the Overseas Market The company Pfizer is Operating in China from last few decades. To sustain in the market of china and to develop its business, Pfizer analyzed the customers needs effectively. And as per that it had planned its strategies. The various strategic moves of the company for entering the overseas market of comprises of acquisitions of organizations, merger with various successful companies, capturing of the potential markets and identification of the emerging markets (Zhao, 2014). Following are the strategies adopted by the company to enter the markets of China: The company incorporated effective market penetration strategies such as developing an agreement with the Jointown in the year 2011 which sib one of the primary pharmacy groups of the nation. The name of the agreement was strategic corporation agreement. Another strategy used by Pfizer was utilizing a model named corporation pilot team. With the help of this model Pfizer analyzed the market of 200 cities and as a result these are presently the part of the business operations of Pfizer. Hisun is the domestic company with which Pfizer tied the business knots through joint venture. With this strategy, Pfizer was successful in reaching the lower tier market of China. It also supported the company in identifying new business opportunities (m-brain, 2014). Conclusion From this report it can be concluded that the pharmaceutical organizations are experiencing a number of issues and challenges in expanding their business roots in the global markets. For satisfying the requirements of the customers the company is extremely involved and engaged. Through effective analysis of the risks and opportunities, it has been evaluated that the company has experienced various uncertainties while expanding in the Chinese market but despite of these challenges Pfizer had developed its strong and robust brand image in China. With various powerful strategies such as joint venture, implementation of effective models, acquisitions etc. the company has effectively sustained in the Chinese market. The outcomes of those expansion strategies were increased partnership, enhanced growth and long-term sustainability (tradestart, n.d.). From an overall perspective it can be said that Pfizer has faced several risks and challenges but with effectual implementation of business o perations and strategies it was able to mark its global presence. References Arnoldi, J., Bernhardt, P.P. and Liang, Y., 2014. Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for Foreign Pharmaceutical MNCs in China. Benson, M., 2105. Why Pfizers Leverage Is Important to Investors, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Bioassociate, 2012. Pharmerging markets: China- the next major innovative pharma market? Israel, Bioassociate consulting and management ltd. Pp.57. Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Chang, Y., n.d., Four risk and examples in international business, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Chitour, H.L., 2013. Big Pharma in Chinathe Driving Forces behind Their SuccessA Qualitative Analysis, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Evans, R., 2007. Cross-cultural training boosts communication at Pfizer. Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Fatti, A. and du Toit, A., 2013. Competitive intelligence challenges faced by south african pharmaceutical companies.Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management,4(1), pp.39-54. Frynas, J.G. and Mellahi, K., 2015.Global strategic management. Oxford University Press, USA. Geschek,P., 2013. Pfizer's Long-Term Strategy: A Possible Breakup, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Kotler, P. and Kotler, M., 2014.Winning Global Markets: How Businesses Invest and Prosper in the World's High-growth Cities. John Wiley Sons. Li, J., Learoyd, M., Qiu, F., Zhu, L. and Edeki, T., 2016. A randomized, phase I study to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime-avibactam in healthy Chinese subjects.Clinical drug investigation,36(2), pp.119-126. Loftus, P., 2016. Pfizer Plans Expansion In China, Other Emerging Markets, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: M-brain, 2014. Market Penetration Strategies for Chinas Pharmaceutical Broad Market, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Pfizer Inc, 2013. Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Pfizer, 2015. GLOBAL REACH, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Pwc, 2013. Doing business and investing in China, Pp.190. Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Tradestart, n.d. tradestart, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Wikinvest. 2016. Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Risk, Accessed on: 23rd September, 2016, Accessed from: Xu, J., Bergquist, R., Qian, Y.J., Wang, Q., Yu, Q., Peeling, R., Croft, S., Guo, J.G. and Zhou, X.N., 2016. Chapter Fifteen-ChinaAfrica and ChinaAsia Collaboration on Schistosomiasis Control: A SWOT Analysis.Advances in parasitology,92, pp.435-466. Zhao, J., 2014. International Market Entry Modes: The Case of Chinese.Organizational Innovation and IT Governance in Emerging Economies, p.225.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lancome Swot Analysis Essays - Cosmetics, Skin Care, Lancme

Lancome Swot Analysis Strength Rich Experience in cosmetics industry Lanc?me has been established in cosmetics market since 1935. Lanc?me products have great varieties. Its products include skincare, makeup and fragrance products. In this way, Lanc?mes experience of producing many different kinds of cosmetics products has been accumulated for 66 years. This remarkable achievement can make the customers more confident of its products. Guaranteed Product Qualification In order to improve the quality of all its products, Lanc?me setup several research centers which collaborate with the international medical community to deepen its understanding of skin. Also, there are more than 2000 experts working there who are professional in innovating and developing products in respond to either problematic skin or normal skin. High Reputation and Professional Image These two strengths has not been only established by rich experience and large scale of research centers but also promoted by famous model, a unique symbol and institutes. Firstly, the famous models are regarded as intelligence, beauty and spiritual symbols in society, for example, Uma Thurman and Isabella Rosselini. They contributed much in developing and promoting the elegant and professional image of Lanc?mes products. Moreover, the unique symbol, Lanc?me Fragrance Rose, help to establish a unique and easy to be remembered image of Lanc?me. Furthermore, Lancome setup an institute to provide the customers with comprehensive services such as body, skin treatment, massages and lessons in order to enhance its professional image. Weakness Lack of experience in youngster cosmetics market Despite the rich experience of producing cosmetics products for adult, Lanc?me is a new entrant in youngster cosmetics market. This may negatively affect the customers confident of Lanc?me products. A fixed and inflexible image Lanc?me professional image has been established for about 66 years. Also there is no change in the image and it has been fixed during this period. This image is mainly designed for targeting adult but not youngster. In order to develop youngster cosmetics market, Lanc?me need to setup a new product line or image, which other competitors originally possess. Threat Keen Competition in Cosmetics Market Recently, the competition in cosmetics market has been very keen. Many cosmetics companies such as Fancl, MaxFactor and Shisheido have started to promote their products by all kinds of media. In order to survive, Lanc?me has to develop a new product line to diversify its customer type. Strong Competitors in youngster cosmetics market In Hong Kong, there are many well-known cosmetics companies have develop the youngster cosmetics market for several years. For example, Kose, ZA and Biore have become the main dominants in this market segment and they have already provided comprehensive youngster cosmetics products. Opportunities The Market segment of age group of 10-15 has not yet been developed In these years, many market dominants mainly develop the middle-aged group customers, for example, SK II. However, the market segment of youngster is now been less concerned. In this way, we may be benefits a lot from taking advantage of this market segment. Marketing Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Global Positioning System

We have all been lost before, and have had trouble finding our way to where we want to get to. Now technology is helping us find our way. This technology is called Global Positioning System (GPS). Global Positioning System technology has been used by the military for about ten years now, and is just starting to be given practical uses in society today. GPS uses twenty-four satellites orbiting around the Earth to determine where you are. GPS has many different uses, and it doesnt just have to be used to help you find your way. GPS can also be used with computer software for practical uses, such as in farming, and has safety applications as well. Global positioning system uses twenty-four different military satellites, which were developed by the United States Department of Defence and it was first used in the Cold War . The military has been using GPS extensively for about ten years, using it in Desert Storm and modern practice. Only recently is GPS being used outside the military. It takes three satellites to find your position. Each of the satellites sends a radio signal down to your GPS receiver, and the receiver measures how long it takes the signals to get there. This happens very fast because the radio signals travel at the speed of light. The time the signal took to reach the receiver is then multiplied by the speed it was moving (approximately 186,000 miles per second), and that is how far you are away from that satellite. This is done with the other two satellites, and your location is then found within a few meters. That is basically how it works but you must also correct for any delays the signal experiences as it travels through the atmosphere. There are many uses for global positioning system. Some of the main uses are in cars, on boats and for wilderness sports such as canoeing, backpacking or mountain biking. Dave Hunter of Mississauga, was approaching Chicago ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Asian American and Jeremy Lin Essay Example for Free

Asian American and Jeremy Lin Essay â€Å"Linsanity† Jeremy Lin. Some say he is a god-send, literally. Others say he’s just a one hit wonder who’s had his fifteen minutes in the spotlight. However, many argue especially from the Asian American community, that he’s not just a fad or trend but a full blown star athlete, pushing the envelope not just for Asian Americans, but athletes across all social classes, races, and creeds. So really, with all the media hype and hysteria, who is Jeremy Lin? Why is he the chosen one? More importantly, what has he been labeled and how has he faced this discrimination? What is the cause of this â€Å"Linsanity†? Before the question, â€Å"Why Jeremy Lin? † can be answered, we have to start at his roots. Jeremy Lin was born August 23, 1988, to a Taiwanese emigrant couple. He grew up playing basketball in Palo Alto, Northern California. He excelled not only as an athlete in his young school years, but was also an exceptional student. He went onto Harvard, a fallback school, and continued his academics, majoring in economics. While at Harvard, Lin played for the Ivy Basketball League and quickly made a name for himself. This is where he first encounters racism and discrimination. In short interviews throughout his college days, Lin spoke of his opportunities and how his race had been a factor in his recruitment. â€Å"I’m not saying top-5 state automatically gets you offers, but I do think (my ethnicity) did affect the way coaches recruited me. I think if I were a different race, I would’ve been treated differently. † He was never drafted after graduating college and continued to play basically for free as a D-League athlete with the Golden State Warriors. He never sees much action on the court in California and is quickly shuffled across the country during draft season. Rex Walters, an NBA veteran and Asian American says, â€Å"†People who don’t think stereotypes exist are crazy. If he’s white, he’s either a good shooter or heady. If he’s Asian, he’s good at math. We’re not taking him. † Lin had a brief stint at the Houston Rockets before being traded once again to the New York Knicks. Here, his time came to shine, and he lit a fire under everyone’s collective rear ends that had ever doubted him. It was as if the stars and the heavens lined up for a once in a million year eclipse; so too did Lin’s fortune. He took all his frustration, all his doubts, and all the racism he’s ever faced on and off the court, and brought it to the best, which included the Los Angeles Lakers, the Minnesota Timberwolves, and the NBA Champions Dallas Mavericks. With every successive and progressively impossible win, his infamy grew and so did the media hype. â€Å"Linsanity† had come to full term. â€Å"Linsanity† and many other coined adjectives became headline news. His fame crossed oceans and racial lines making him an overnight media sensation. Shockingly but not surprisingly, during a victory celebration on February 10th of 2012 against the Lakers, Fox News columnist Jason Whitlock posted on his Twitter account, â€Å"Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight†, a sexual reference to an Asian male stereotype. A few days later after a loss to the Orlando Hornets, ESPN’s Max Bretos reported during a taping of SportsCenter, â€Å"We have found a Chink in the Armor†. Floyd Mayweather Jr., a professional boxer and fellow athlete tweets, â€Å"Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he’s Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don’t get the same praise. † â€Å"Linsanity† was bringing in a negative backlash that Lin was all too familiar with. He looked past it, and went even as far as to forgive. â€Å"I expect it, I’m used to it, it is what it is,† says Lin. On the â€Å"Chink in the Armor† slur, Lin responds, â€Å"I don’t think it was on purpose or whatever. At the same time, they’ve apologized, and so from my end I don’t care anymore. [You] have to learn to forgive. And I don’t even think that was intentional, or hopefully not. † He was willing to brush it off and be the bigger man and not let it affect his game. But aside from the blatantly racial comments from the media, is â€Å"Linsanity† a breeding ground for unintentional stereotyping? As many members of the Asian American communities can attest, stereotypes of Asian Americans are seen everywhere. A case in point, the corporate world of advertisement tried to cash in on â€Å"Linsanity†. Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory tried capitalizing on Jeremy Lin by coming up with a new flavor called â€Å"Taste the Linsanity†. The ingredients were basically vanilla ice-cream with a hint of caramel and the addition of fortune cookies. Many members of the Chinese/Taiwanese American community cried foul in this instance, as it did play to some degree more or less on Lin’s Chinese/Taiwanese heritage. In response, an Asian American protestor went as far as to picket the Ben & Jerry’s store on Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco. He held a sign that read, â€Å"Taste of Lebron – Watermelon and Fried Chicken in every scoop†. Now piggy-backing on another racial stereotype isn’t exactly politically correct, but it did bring awareness. â€Å"Taste of Linsanity† quickly made its way off of shelves and into trash cans. However, it wasn’t only corporate America playing on stereotypes for publicity. It was the Asian American community itself looking to address positive stereotypes. In the Youtube video â€Å"Superior Lintellect† by studio64comedy, creators Lawrence Kau and Kunal Dudheker (both Americans born of Asian descent) portray Lin solving complex math equations in his mind in order to best his competition during tough situations on the basketball court. Each playback of Lin’s on-court moves are narrated by a forced Chinese accent, and are accompanied with on-screen quadratic formulas and physics theory. It’s no doubt that Asian Americans are poking fun at the â€Å"Asians are good at math† stereotype. But yet in some ways, it just feeds fuel to the fire that stereotypes are okay. The question ultimately comes down to, â€Å"How far is too far? † and â€Å"Who can and who can’t stereotype against Asians? † In conclusion, Jeremy Lin is a unique individual. Yes, he is a Harvard graduate. Yes, he is an incredible athlete. Yes, he is a fiercely loyal Christian. And finally; Yes, He’s Asian. But despite all his unique attributes, why is his race the only thing that seems to overshadow his qualities? After all this time, when the name Lin appears on TV based on performance and skill, the media is still focused on what school he went to and what GPA he had or whether he was Chinese or Taiwanese. Is it the scarcity of Asian Americans in the media that makes it so socially acceptable to shift focus? Is it the Asian American fans all across the country coming to support him, regardless of team pride that focuses the media’s attention to his ethnicity? Is it the blatant ignorance of the general populace? Maybe it’s all of that and then some. But regardless of where all of this attention originates, it is safe to say that Jeremy Lin is on to something very special. He’s allowed Asian Americans into mainstream sports and has brought a positive light to an arena once absent of it. All racial jokes and stereotypes aside, no one can deny his ability and talent, doubt his fierce sense of faith, or question his moral fiber. Jeremy Lin is definitely an Asian American all Asian American’s can be proud of. Asian American and Jeremy Lin. (2017, Jan 24).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human trafficking in the United States and is Human trafficking Research Paper

Human trafficking in the United States and is Human trafficking related or associated to poverty - Research Paper Example f a questionnaire survey, data will be collected in order to create a mathematical resource for information that will suggest correlations between poverty and incidents of human trafficking in the United States. The biggest issue in curtailing human trafficking is the inability for law enforcement to track and prosecute the incidents. The following table shows the number of suspected cases of trafficking and their type of incarceration. The second table shows the number of prosecutions between the years 2001 and 2005. Because of the difficulty in prosecuting these cases and in creating a viable system of discovering the victims and freeing them from bondage, the best course is through prevention. Through examining the causes and the reasons behind how this activity is propagated, it might be possible to diminish and eliminate the modern day slavery that occurs. As a study in human trafficking, this research will explore the ways in which poverty contributes to the issue. The purpose of the research is to identify those factors in poverty that create an environment in which human trafficking can exist. These factors will include, but not be limited to, income level in the country of origin, sex, and age. Secondary research will be used to create a foundation for the primary research, providing statistics that are relevant to the subject. The primary research will be conducted using quantitative techniques that will assess the identified three variables which increase the level of human trafficking in the United States. The proposed research will be useful for creating an understanding of the issue of human trafficking as it relates to economic and demographic factors. The research for this proposal will be conducted using theories of exploratory research. According to Stebbins (2001), using exploratory research for social science is defined by â€Å"the discovery of generalizations leading to description and understanding† (p. 3). The selected methodology for

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Racial discrimination within the criminal justice process in England Essay

Racial discrimination within the criminal justice process in England and Wales - Essay Example The United Nations Human Rights Committee highlighted some racial discrimination issues in the UK in 2001 especially the high number of the black population in prisons and unlawful stops and searches. Although, the criminal justice system has changed the approach to investigating and sentencing racially motivated crimes, the courts still have the powers to increase the sentence for the racially motivated crimes. This discrimination leads to victimisation of the ethnic minorities by the same institutions that are tasked with safeguarding their rights. Bowling (1998) is of the idea that racial discrimination exists at all stages of criminal justice system from police profiling of offenders on the basis of race, police mistreatment of the offenders in their custody and imposition of harsher judicial penalties to members of particular races (Brown, 1984). Racial stereotyping and prejudices by the officers in the judicial system leads to overrepresentation of members of a particular race in the prison system. Discriminatory law enforcement tactics such as unwarranted stop and searches towards citizens of a particular race and counter-terrorism tactics that aim at invading the privacy of members of a particular race contribute to the undermining and violation of the fundamental human rights of these citizens. Sudbury (2005b) points out that Article 1 of the Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), any distinction, preference or restriction that is based on descent, race or ethnic origin which has the effect of impairing the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms can be termed as a form of racial discrimination (McKenzie, 1998). Racial discrimination in the criminal justice system in the UK has attracted intense international debate and condemnation leading to a declaration of several global conferences on racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 created several offenses that are lin ed with racial violence, harassment and public disorder and provided the maximum sentence (McKenzie, 1998). However, the Act increased racial discrimination in police profiling and prosecution of racially motivated offenses. It is a legal obligation for the law enforcement officers to use their powers of stop and search in a fair manner without discriminating the citizens on the basis of race or ethnic grouping (Malleson, 2007). Racial discrimination is evidenced in racial police profiling especially in police stops and searches (Mhlanga, 1997). Law enforcement authorities use racial stereotypes in determining who has been involved in a criminal activity. Racial origins will sometimes influence the law enforcement officers’ decisions in making an arrest. In the case of suspected juvenile crimes, the police officers take in to account the demeanor and race of the juvenile in deciding whether to make an arrest. If the law enforcement officers perceive that the offender is disre spectful, there are higher chances of arrests especially for the racial minorities. Some researchers have argued that black minorities are more likely to be shot during police arrests since the police officers use disproportionately more deadly force while making the arrests (Moorthy, Cahalin and Howard, 2004). Waters (1990) suggests

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous plays of all time. Of the many themes and representation of the human condition in this play, one of the most debated questions among critics and lay readers alike is the issue of Hamlet’s sanity. While sanity and insanity can be defined in many different ways, many critics point to Hamlet’s keen observations and clever manipulations as not insanity but confused grief in an otherwise extremely intelligent, albeit sensitive, man. Hamlet tells his friends in Act I of his plan to feign madness. After the ghost’s revelation and call to Hamlet to get revenge, Hamlet decides to assume an air of insanity to allow him a wider range of words and actions around the King and Queen. He tells Horatio of his intention to â€Å"put an antic disposition on† (I,v, 177). Individuals who are insane rarely plan their insanity. In fact, Hamlet knows that people who are crazy are more apt to get away with odd words and activities. This proves true, for he is not punished for appearing half dressed in Ophelia’s chamber or for his taunting of Polonius with references to â€Å"fishmonger† and â€Å"Jepthah. †His plan appears to be working. The King and Queen set to finding out the cause of Hamlet’s lunacy which throws them off the path of his knowledge of the murder. â€Å"He acts the part of madness with unrivalled power, convincing the persons who are sent to examine into his supposed loss of reason merely by telling them unwelcome truths and rallying them with the most caustic wit† (Bates 22). His intelligence almost gets him in trouble. His admission to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that â€Å"I am but mad north-northwest. When the wind is southerly, I / know a hawk from a handsaw† (II,ii,384-385). While these two do not catch his meaning, the more clever Claudius does. He notes, â€Å"Nor what he spake, thout it lacked form a little, Was not like madness† (III,i,167-168) and â€Å"Madness in great ones must not unwatchedgo† (III,i,192). Of course Hamlet is consumed with grief. His choice of dark clothing and brooding countenance is apparent when the reader first meets him. This is understandable upon the death of a father and not something that Hamlet becomes clinically insane about. His depression cannot be compared to psychosis. â€Å"The mental disturbance which it causes becomes apparent while he thinks aloud, almost as soon as the ghost has disappeared; but he is not mad either in the popular or in the physiological sense; it is merely the mental derangement of a noble, but not an heroic, nature, sinking beneath a burden which it cannot bear and must cast away† (Bates 29). Hamlet is depressed, even distraught, after learning of the true fate of his father, but he is not insane. Later, after the play, Hamlet confirms his sanity to his mother in order to convince her of Claudius’ guilt and to implore her to stay away from him. Yes, his Oedipal obsession with his mother is odd for many readers, but coupled with his father’s death and the ghost’s appearance, his desire to save her is more in the realm of understandable. He tells her â€Å"It is not madness/That I have uttered. Bring me to the test,? And I the matter will reword, which madness / Would Gambol from† (III,iv, 146-150). He wants her to know that he is not crazy and to choose his side, which she does. This is one of Hamlet’s goals. Many critics focus on the To Be, or Not To Be soliloquy in which Hamlet considers suicide for the second time as being proof of his insanity. Again, a closer look at Hamlet’s words show this to be false. This soliloquy is an organized, parallel, and logical debate on the issue of suicide. A mad individual would not possess the logic to provide such a point-counterpoint style. He lists all of the vices of the world and sets them up against all the unknowns of the afterworld and concludes, logically, Thus conscious does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pitch and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. (III,i, 84-89). Hamlet carefully weighs the pros and cons of suicide, for him, and concludes that the fear of the unknown keeps him alive. This is not an insane man. In fact, Hamlet’s supposed insanity can be compared to Ophelia’s actual insanity. Ophelia, after the death of her father and Hamlet’s mean treatment of her, has truly gone insane. She is singing songs about her dead father and about losing her virginity in front of the entire court. She is handing out flowers to the King and Queen, and eventually she â€Å"drowns† in inches of water. One critic notes how Hamlet â€Å"differs surprisingly from the pathetic inanities of the gentle Ophelia† (Blackmore 59). This contrast further shows Hamlet’s sanity. â€Å"The mad role that Hamlet plays to perfection, is certainly a proof of Shakespeares genius, but by no means a surety of the insanity of the Prince† (Blackmore 57). Hamlet is shown to be sane in this play. That is not to say he is not grieving, angry and depressed at various moments, but textual and critical support show that he is not insane. Works Cited Bates, Alfred, ed. The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization. Vol. 14. London: Historical Publishing Company, 1906. pp. 20-34. Blackmore, Simon Augustine. â€Å"The Real or Assumed Madness of Hamlet. † The Riddles of Hamlet and The Newest Answers. Boston: Stratford Company, 1917 Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Evanston, IL: McDougal/Little, 2003.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Elaine Showalters Representing Ophelia :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Hamlet

Elaine Showalter's Representing Ophelia  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elaine Showalter defines Ophelia in many typical ways in her essay "Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism." She discusses her significance in reference to how she reveals Hamlet's characteristics. Showalter touches upon the idea that Ophelia's character is one that is symbolic of the psychiatric theories of Freud. Showalter also attributes the characterization of Ophelia to not only the audience, but also to the actress that plays the part. Never does she suggest that Ophelia could be just that, "Ophelia." Her entire article is devoted to individual interpretation of the play in its entirety, focusing primarily on Ophelia. Showalter presents her own ideas by bringing together the ideas of many others such as Jacques Lacan, Susan Mountfort, Ellen Terry, and more. Showalter provides suffice evidence in addressing each argument, but in doing so, she never takes into account the possibilities of Shakespeare's reasoning. In the discussion of Ophelia's character, her madness is almost always at the center of controversy. Showalter recognizes and explains many interpretations of her madness. Ophelia's madness is, by some, attributed to "a predictable outcome of erotomania" (225). This term "erotomania" was what the Elizabethans referred to as "female love-melancholy." Yet another interpretation is that of the "Romantic Ophelia," in which she is referred to as "a young girl passionately and visibly driven to picturesque madness" (228). Later, it is explained what is meant by this definition when Showalter writes about how people viewed Ophelia as a woman who "felt" too much and somehow allowed these feelings to overcome her. This type of action would drive a person to madness, just as Ophelia is driven into her madness. This conclusion would seem to suggest that her madness stemmed from some sort of erotic passion between herself and Hamlet. This is the type of interpretation that is given to the audien ce in many movie versioesult of erotomania. Elaine Showalter creates an argument that is predominantly based on the idea that Ophelia's madness is one that comes from her "female love-melancholy." Showalter cites many actresses, critics, doctors, and such that completely support this idea, and have actually expressed this idea to others in many ways. If it is not true that Hamlet and Ophelia had sexual encounters, then this interpretation of the character and its effect on the entire play can be understood on a completely different level.

Monday, November 11, 2019

E-Myth Revisited: An Overview

Michael E. Gerber explains in his book The E-Myth Revisited his concept of why small businesses don’t work. Something he calls the E-Myth or the entrepreneurial myth is the assumption that anyone who starts a business is an entrepreneur. An aspiring business person can have something he calls an entrepreneurial seizure, this is when a technician is suddenly struck by the urge to take their technical trade that are usually very good at and go into business for themselves. The fatal assumption is that just because someone has mastered their trade does not mean that they have the slightest clue of how a business works.Gerber is the founder and CEO of E-Myth Worldwide, in the book he is walking Sarah, a distressed small business owner through the steps of how a successful business needs to be ran. Sarah explains to Gerber that she went into the pie making business three long years ago, and things have not turned out the way she expected that they would by owning her own business. Sarah is like most small business owners, a technician who has mastered her trade who is now cursed by the fatal assumption of the E-Myth. She has made the mistake that almost people make when they go into business for themselves, to take on all the positions her business had to offer herself. Now unable to continue overworking in this way Gerber explains that every entrepreneur suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure will eventually experience the same thing. â€Å"First exhilaration; second terror; third exhaustion; and, finally, despair. †(Gerber, 17) Gerber explains that there are three different people inside a business owner the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician. In most cases the technician is the most prevalent of all of a business owner’s personalities. The technician lives in the present. He is the worker, the labor, the one who gets things done. The work ethic of the technician is off the chart; the only problem is that he is so busy working in his business that he neglects the work that needs to be done on the business to become a success. The Manager represents the past, He is the one in control of all of the business planning, without him there would be no order, and everything would be unpredictable. More of a practical person he always has problems on his mind. When it comes to solving the problems the manager is the type of person that would feel more comfortable taking the proven approach, one that is safe and already tested. Then there is the entrepreneur, the guy who convinced you in the first place that there is no other way, you had to go into business for yourself and open up your own company. It is clear that he is the dreamer, living in the future dreaming of where he could take the business one day. He is the creative one who is always looking for new or innovative ways to do things. The problem with all of this is they usually don’t work well together. As the entrepreneur in you is fighting with the manager about some new innovative way the technician won’t even listen because he is too busy at work trying to make money for the company the only way he knows how; to physically do the job himself. When in harmony with each other these different personalities will make your business run efficient and effectively, but in most cases people aspiring to become successful business owners are unable to balance them together. Gerber goes on to explain that there are also three different phases in a business’s life. If you want to understand how to repair your business you need to understand where your business is standing in its life. Infancy or the â€Å"technicians† stage is the first; this is when the technician who is the owner is in control of everything. If you took him away there would be no business, it cannot run without him. It is easy to see that in order to move up and onto the next stage things would need to change. When the owner realizes this, and he makes the notion to seek outside help this is known as the adolescence stage. When the right person is found this is when the owner’s personalities will be introduced to each other. The owner will now be forced to let other people do the things he only trusted himself to do before. When he starts to become comfortable is when he has moved into what Gerber calls the â€Å"comfort zone. † Eventually you will be forced to go outside your comfort zone, and either get small again, or to continue the way you are going and most likely fail. If they decide to move forward with the business they will then move into the final stage he calls maturity and the entrepreneurial perspective. Businesses will still grow forever but from this point on the business is like a machine, every part has its specific job and it all works together. At this point without the owner the business will still work, he is not unneeded but should spend his time looking at the business from an entrepreneurial perspective and spend his time working on his business not in it. The turn key revolution changed the many people perspectives of how a business should be ran and managed. The idea is that the business format franchises use should be what every business should be built off of whether they are going to franchise their company of not. Gerber argues that it’s not about what a business sells, that the real product of a business is its sales technique. Using the franchise prototype is what makes franchises so successful. It gives a business that chance to make sure it works, and if you’re buying a franchise you already know that it is going to work. Gerber explains to Sarah that she needs to be working on her business, and not in it. He stresses to her that in order to be successful she it is imperative that her business and her life are two completely different things. Once understood then she can use the franchise prototype model to build her business with. What he means by working on her business and not in it is to spend her time applying the rules of the franchise prototype to better her business. Not to be working in your business actually performing the labor it requires to operate. He refers to the Model as game and explains to Sarah the rules she will have to follow in order to win: 1. The model will provide consistent value to your customers, employees, suppliers, and lenders, beyond what they expect. 2. The model will be operated by people with the lowest possible level of skill. 3. The model will stand out as a place of impeccable order. 4. All work in the models will be documented in operations manuals. 5. The model will provide a uniformly predicable service to the customer. 6. The model will utilize a uniform color, dress, and facilities code. In order to build a small business that works you will need to use the usiness development process. A three part process that starts with innovation, to make sure that everything being done is in its absolute best way possible. Quantification is the next part, if you didn’t quantify everything that was done, how would you be able to know that your innovation made a difference in the numbers. â€Å"Orchestration is the elimination of discretion, or choice, at the operating level of your business. †(Gerber, 124) You need to be able to produce the same product, or service every time, by implementing the franchise prototype into orchestration. Once orchestrated you need to continue using the business development process, it is never ending. Sarah sits and listens to Gerber as he tells her what she will need to do in order to successfully implement the franchise prototype into her already existing business. The business development program is a systematic way of making the transition to the franchise prototype model. You must ask and document your answers to some questions. What is your primary aim? This is what the owner truly wants to get out of their life. What is you strategic objective? What you want your business to do for you, in reference to money, and if the opportunity is even worth pursuing. What is your organizational strategy? Organizing around peoples personalities, everyone is different, and prototyping the position. In this step you will need to make a positions contract identifying who is accountable for the various positions in the company. What is your management strategy? You will need to document your management system in detail how it will work to produce the results you desire. What is your people strategy? Making your people understand the importance of their job. What are the rules of the game? It is different for depending on what line of work you are in but develop rules that work for your game. What is your marketing strategy? Through a demographics and psychographics of your target market you need to maximize sales. There are three types of systems in Gerber’s system strategy. Hard systems he considers to be something with no life and inanimate. The soft system would be the opposite of the hard, anything with life. Information systems are any other system in business that provides you with data about soft and hard systems interacting. All of these systems never work independently, they are all co dependant on each other. Gerber’s point to Sarah was that they are just like his business development program. All parts of it need to work together, in order to work towards becoming a successful business. Before reading this book my definition of an entrepreneur was as it is defined in not only ours but just about every text book I have had throughout my education, someone who is a risk taker who starts their own business. Basically I would have considered an entrepreneur to be anyone who owned their own business. After reading this book I have come to realize that an entrepreneur is something completely different. The numbers don’t lie Gerber tells us that eighty percent of businesses fail in the first five years, and that seventy five percent of all franchise format businesses succeed. It would be hard for anyone to argue that his systems don’t work.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Decision Making Analysis Discussion Summary Essay

The CEO of the Xerox Company is Anne Mulcahy. She has been with the company for over 30 years and has been the CEO for the last five years. Anne received a degree in English from Mary Mount College, Her brother made the suggestion that she join him and work at Xerox. As a team and as an individual, we agreed on the decisions that Mulcahy made to improve the Xerox Company. Through these decisions, she was able to get the company out of debt when she became CEO. Though many people advised to call it quits, file for bankruptcy and go home. She was determined and believed she could turn Xerox around. Anne Mulcahy had to make many hard decisions that affected many lives. She had to cut many unnecessary jobs to improve the company. She appears to be a very â€Å"hands on† CEO. An example is that she still works at booths, not that many CEOs of big companies will do that. During the hard times that Xerox had, Anne was able to have good communication with her staff members. She had to have the confidence to ensure her employees that the company would rise above the possible collapse.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Role of Human Resource Manager at Home Depot

Role of Human Resource Manager at Home Depot Role of Human Resources ManagersIn Home DepotSince the inception of its first store in 1978, Home Depot has expanded nationwide. Currently, there are over 1500 stores nationwide. Because Home Depot wants to provide the ultimate shopping experience for its customers, the Home Depot is committed to hiring a diverse and qualified workforce. As a sign of their commitment, they have partnered with national nonprofit and government agencies. These partnerships allow them to reach out to the communities in which they operate, and provide the company with a broad range of qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds.The "National Hiring Partnership" (or NHP) is a program that links the Home Depot, the Department of Labor (DOL) and the public workforce system together in an effort to place qualified applicants throughout the United States with Home Depot stores that have open positions. On a local level, Home Depot HRM's work with One Stop Career Centers to source qualified applicants for sp ecific hiring needs.English: Overview of Home Depot store "Centro" loc...Candidates then participate in the hiring process like every other applicant. One Stop Centers work side by side with Home Depot HRM's to refer qualified, skilled applicants to Home Depot for specific hiring needs.Under the partnership, Home Depot's HRM's in stores across the country will use the One-Stop Career Centers located in local communities to help fill the 40,000 new jobs Home Depot will have available over the next year in more than 1,300 U.S. stores. Furthermore, the Department of Labor's partnership with Home Depot will enable workers to access greater employment opportunities and brighter futures ( HRM's of Home Depot deciphered that a partnership with outside companies in regard to the hiring and attaining process of employees was important. They have produced the following reasons for such a rearrangement:1. To increase associate retention -Home...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Bloom Box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

The Bloom Box - Essay Example The company uses fuel cells, which are not a new form of technology. In addition, the use of methane and oxygen to create energy is comparable to natural gas production plants. In the end, I believe that the technology was merely overhyped, and is not as revolutionary as the media presents it, neither is it better than other green energy forms. Despite the criticism it faces, the company still has a bright future considering the green technology advancements it promotes. Its technologies represent the future of energy production as they have the necessary expertise. Although the company does not necessarily provide new energy technology, it provides a better service that is more efficient than that of other green-source energy producers. Even so, Microsoft’s new fuel cell partner, Redox Power (Mick 1), seeks to advance the technology that Bloom Box provides. In the end, competition in the market is beneficial for both consumers and the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How Islamic law and American law deals with various aspects of the Dissertation

How Islamic law and American law deals with various aspects of the human life - Dissertation Example Center of discussion in this paper are American law and Islamic law that are geared towards achieving justice. There emerges a problem though as some people tend to differ with the way both laws are handled This is because; non-Muslims do not understand Islamic law while Muslims on the other hand would like to have their own courts that would be handling their cases, especially in countries where Muslims are the minority. Some non- Muslims associate Sharia law with â€Å"ruthlessness.† This is especially when it comes to punishing offenders by either public whipping or stoning. Many people especially non-Muslims tend to have a problem with some of these forms of punishments. To a Moslem, that is just a form of obeying Sharia, which is considered as God’s Law. There is no problem in implementing God’s law when it comes to Sharia law. On the other hand, American law appears to take a different route. The law dictates that there should be democracy in everything inc luding when passing judgments. There are, therefore, differences between Islamic Law and the American law. In America, stoning and whipping suspects in public is considered illegal. This act is considered as being contrary to human rights. This notion about Islamic law being tough and firm against culprits has brought fear among many states in the United States of America, where the number of Muslims has been rising especially after the September 11 attack. Islamic laws have been used in many states but that fear has prompted many states reconsider outlawing the laws as they consider them going against basic human rights. Since America believes in the values of democracy, many are of the opinion that Sharia Law is sometimes extreme and go against human rights expectations. This paper will outline the view of Islamic laws and American law and delineate frictions in the two laws especially in America. These challenges have emerged as there have been cases in court where there appeared to be conflicts between American Law and Islamic Law. An example is a case that occurred in the state of Florida. Freeman was a woman who had converted to Islam. Islamic women are not allowed to uncover their faces in public. Their faces should be covered. As Freeman had converted to Islam, she was bound by the Islamic laws as well. Freeman was to have her photo taken, but she declined to remove her face covering. Within the Islamic law, Freeman was without crime. On the contrary, the state of Florida revoked Freeman’s driving license. This act prompted heated views from Muslims and non- Muslims alike. The state of Florida was acting within their law which emanate from American laws where they felt that it was better revoke Freeman’s driving license. From this act by the state of Florida, one can assume that all women irrespective of religion are supposed to have their photos taken with their faces uncovered. On the contrary, this is not the case in all states in Amer ica. In some states in America, one does not need to have to a photo taken to procure a driving license. What is required in those states is only a birth certificate or a social security card. These conflicts arise from having an interest a state is so much interested in protecting and a phase of Islam that a Moslem would be willing to articulate (Amanat 112). In many of the cases, what seems acceptable in Islamic law appears to contradict with American law. Under Islamic law, teachers and pupils should be dressed according to their respective law. On the other hand, American law does not dictate a specific dress code for either students or teachers depending on religion. This seems to forge conflicts between the two laws. In the state of Pennsylvania, there is a law stipulated prohibiting the wearing of any dress or exposing any mark that would portray the wearer as being a member of a certain religion. In such a state, it becomes difficult for a Moslem